
Keep Calm and Carry On

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How Technology Helps Me Get Through Tough Situtations

Black background with the White words saying Here To Help

I’m sure you have heard the phrase, “keep calm and carry on.” This is a popular slogan first used on a British propaganda poster during World War II calling for persistence in the face of challenge. It is now often used as an expression of resilience. It is also a phrase that pops into my mind when I need that self-talk to get through a tough situation.  

In addition to remembering phrases like this one, I have also found I need other support to help me figure out the challenging and sometimes confusing road of raising a daughter with down syndrome.

I remember early on the importance of hearing stories from other people who were navigating this world for a member of their family with a disability. It was always helpful to hear their tips, connections, and even reassurance everything would be fine. The power of exchanging the feeling of hope in these conversations is what keeps me going.  

I am also blessed to be working with team Quillo. Quillo is a platform that delivers video messages.  Quillo Pro’s application allows provider agencies to deliver 60 second video messages to staff. Quillo Connect’s application allows state organizations to communicate to families and caregivers. The video messages are a great way to share resources, give updates on a procedure, remind people their work is genuinely improving people’s lives or warm someone’s day with an uplifting or positive story.

Both platforms are using technology in a way to communicate and support people with disabilities and those who support them. Let’s face it, it can be lonely and challenging being a parent, guardian, friend, staff, or caregiver supporting someone with a disability. Solutions like these just may be the tool needed to help people, “keep calm and carry on.” 

To learn more feel free to reach out to me at sue@myquillo.com.

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